Oncology & Haematology


The paediatric oncology/haematology team at RACH work to ensure the best evidence based care is given to children who require treatment for various cancer and blood conditions across the North of Scotland.

The inpatient ward is based on the second floor of the hospital, along with bay 9 on the second floor which is our infusion bay.  The oncology and haematology clinics run in our outpatient department in RACH and our consultants host a monthly clinic in Inverness.

RACH is a principal treatment centre of the Scottish managed service network for children and young people with cancer.  The Scottish managed service network aims to make a positive difference for children and young people with cancer, their families and carers, by sharing knowledge, skills and experience.  To achieve the best results in treatment, patients will sometimes require to be transferred to other centres such as Edinburgh or Glasgow to access specialist treatment and our team will support families to do this.

The types of cancers seen in children and young people are different from those in adults and generally more treatable.

The paediatric haematology service cares for children with blood disorders such as sickle cell disease, bleeding disorders such as haemophilia, bone marrow failure syndromes and other blood disorders. Most of the care and treatment is carried out in Aberdeen. Referrals are made to us via the patient’s GP or other health professionals/specialist services.

The paediatric oncology/haematology team comprises of a variety of consultants, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, psychologists, dieticians, research team, occupational therapists, radiologists, pathologists, social work team and many others.

Additional Support & Resources

There is a large amount of additional support and resources available if your child is diagnosed with cancer or a blood disorder.  Your specialist team will be able to guide you to the most informative and helpful resources for you and your child


Additional information can be found online





Haemophilia Scotland – Inform, Support, Advocate

The Haemophilia Society – Together For Life | The Haemophilia Society