
What is an Orthoptist?

Orthoptists are Allied Health Professionals who specialise in the diagnosis and management of a wide range of eye conditions. We are based at the Eye Clinic in the Yellow Zone, Ground Floor, RACH.

Orthoptists investigate, diagnose and treat defects of visual development in children, problems with how the eyes work together as a pair and abnormalities of eye muscle movements such as squints.

You may be referred to see an Orthoptist by your community Optometrist, GP or through our Preschool Vision Screening programme where we attend nurseries and health centres to screen children’s eyes for any abnormalities before starting primary school.


Who will I meet at the eye clinic?

You will be seen by a team of different specialties in the eye clinic.

The Orthoptist: Assesses vision and eye movement disorders. We treat squints and reduced vision.

The Optometrist: Assesses if glasses are required and examines the back of the eye.

The Ophthalmologist: Is the eye doctor, who performs different tests to diagnose and treat various conditions.

The Nurse: The nurse will insert eye drops if required for the appointment.


What to expect at your first appointment?

If you are a new patient referred from your Optometrist or GP, you will be booked in to see the Orthoptist as well as the Optometrist or Ophthalmologist. You may require eye drops at this appointment if assessment for glasses or view of the back of the eye is necessary. You are usually seen by the Orthoptist first for a vision check and additional tests, then pupil dilating eye drops are inserted with a 30-minute wait for them to work, followed by youre appointment with the next professional for assessment.

If you have been referred through the Preschool Vision Screening programme and have already attended a community optometrist, then you will have a shorter appointment with the Orthoptist only.


Contacting us & social media: 

To contact the Orthoptic Department – call us on 01224 550338.

If there is no answer, then please leave a message with your child’s name, CHI or DOB, reason for call and contact telephone number.

If you would like more information, please follow us on our social media pages:

Facebook: Grampian Orthoptics

Instagram: grampianorthoptics

Twitter: NHSGOrthoptics