Aberdeen Neonatal Unit


The Neonatal Unit is located within Aberdeen Maternity Hospital and provides specialist care for babies born too sick or too soon. Aberdeen Maternity services, including the Neonatal Unit, will soon be moving into the new Baird Family Hospital which is scheduled to open Spring 2024. Following their discharge from the Neonatal Unit, neonates are invited to attend  the Neonatal Developmental Follow Up Clinic, which is held at Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital in the Outpatient Department.


This clinic is designed to monitor the development of children born early or who have had problems after birth.  How often you are seen will depend on your child’s needs.  You will be offered appointments until your child is a corrected age of two years old.

Term + 3 months – VCreate & face to face clinic appointment with Developmental Therapists

Term + 6 months  – Face to face clinic appointment with Consultant and Developmental Therapists

Term + 12 months – Face to face clinic appointment with Consultant

Term + 24 months –  Face to face clinic appointment / Bayley III Assessment with Developmental Therapists